Fall Of Efrafa - Elil
Any: 2007
Rollo: Neocrust, post-hc, downtempo, sludge
Procedència: UK
Bueno, no és un grup de l'estat espanyol, però val la pena coneixe'ls. Això que penjo és part de una trilogia, aquest àlbum consta de 3 temes, cadascun de 20 minuts, tractan temes com la dominació humana a travaes de la religió.
"Fall Of Efrafa is a heavy atmospheric post hardcore band influenced by the mythological and political overtones in the book "Watership Down" by Richard Adams, it is a concept project, a trilogy of records known collectively as "The Warren Of Snares" - Owsla, Elil and Inlé. The narrative follows an iron age society oppressed by a theocratic rule, dying at the hands of ignorant ideology, their struggle to overcome both physical and mental hardship and to strike out against the ultimate enemy, the encroachment of man."