No tinc ni idea de si estarà al vostre gust. però la torrada està llesta i a taula:
Ho vam grabar amb en Juan Carlos el 21 de gener de 2017. Se seposa que serà part d'un compartit entre 4 bandes Addenda, Knur, Ansia i Butron (AKAB
) però ha anat tot tant apoc a poc per tenir-ho en 12'' a temps per la nostra gira que ho hem filtrat!

Sortirà editat tard o d'hora!
És la nostra 5a gravació. Consta d'unes quantes cançons curtes de merda més catades en català, basc, portuguès, francès (cap en castellà altre cop!) una versió adaptada d'Spazz i per fi ens hem "armat de valor" i hem escrit (i hem cantat) la nostra primera cançó en anglès.
Totes les lletres i traduccions al bandcamp. Les llargues explicacions les pujarem aviat.
Si algú s'anima a traduir-nos-ho en alters idiomes ens encantaria!
Si algú s'anima a traduir-nos-ho en alters idiomes ens encantaria!
No clue if it'll taste any good to you (like if you ever had a say about it) but the toast is ready:
We recorded this is one day at Juan Carlos Riutort studios 21st january. It was/is supposed to be our part on 4way split vinyl with Addenda Knür Ansïa Butrön (AKAB
) , but it went to slow to have it on a 12'' on time for our tour so we leaked it.

But it will came out soon (or later!)
It's our 5th recording. just some more few shitty short songs sang in catalan, basque, portuguese, french (no spanish lyrics again, just spanish samplers sorry!) a Spazz cover adapted into our language and finally we encouraged ourselves to write (and sing) OUR FIRST song in sloppy english!
Lyrics, translations on bandcampand. Little explanation of every song will be uploaded soon.
If anyone wants to help transalting into other languages will be welcome!!
If anyone wants to help transalting into other languages will be welcome!!
We keep looking for help in some dates for our tour
if you can help playfastordont (at) riseup(.) net
if you can help playfastordont (at) riseup(.) net
Friday 15.09 Montpellier (FR))
Sat 16.09 Dijon (FR)
SUN 17.09 Strasbourg (FR)
HELP - Mon 18.09 Germany (De)
HELP - Tue 19.09 Germany/ Czech Republic(DE)
Wed 20.09 Liberec (CZ)
HELP - Thu 21.09 Germany (DE)
HELP - Fri 22.09 Germany/Denmark (DE/DK)
Sat 23.09 Copenhagen (SE)
Sun 24.09 Bremen (DE)
Mon 25.09 Groningen (NL)
HELP - Tue 26.09 Netherands (NL)
Wed 27.09 Amsterdam (NL))
Thu 28.09 Dunquerque (FR)
FRI 29.09 Zurich (CH)
Sat 30.09 Innsbruck (AT)
Sun 01.10 Barcelona (Xpain)
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