
The Gundown a Castelló

El divendres 14 de gener tindrem l'honor de rebre a unes de les millors formacions de punk-rock actuals, els tarragonins The Gundown, presentant el seu primer llarga durada 'Endless Loads of Rage', on el punk més rabiós i les melodies més el·laborades es fonen en un grapat d'himnes impressionants.

Four Seasons Club | 19:00H | Castelló de la Plana

*El dissabte 15 també estaran a València a La Residencia

1 comentari:

Ryonikis ha dit...

Hey! What's up?!?! I've been a long time fan of this blog and I was wondering maybe if we could exchange blogs? I'll throw yours up on my and you do the same? That would be really awesome. Mine is new and I'm trying to get some more people to follow it and upload a lot of stuff that everyone, including yourself can enjoy. If you could do that I would be so gracious. Thanks!

ryonikis.blogspot.com (my blog)

Your Pal,
